About SCP Columbia
The Suffolk County Police COLUMBIA ASSOCIATION is a fraternal organization comprised of law enforcement personnel
of Italian-American decent who are dedicated to:
• Developing an understanding and appreciation of the many contributions made by those who arrived in this
country before us and helped build this great country.
• Continue these contributions in all of our endeavors.
• Provide leadership in the spirit of brotherhood among people regardless of race, creed or religion.
• Promote a positive focus on education, cultural, and charitable endeavors.
• Continue to provide for its members regular meetings, Cultural and social events,
and a means to foster the heritage of its members.
• Participate in fundraising activities for the purpose of supporting those groups recognized by Columbia,
provide a melding for its members, to be part of an ethnic group of law enforcement sisters and brothers
who nurture the spirit of brotherhood and remembrance of their roots.
SCP Columbia Board
President - Pete Conte
1st VP - Jimmy Jernigan
2nd V P - Joe Geraci
Treasurer -
Financial Sec - Nancy Quattrociocchi
Recording Sec - Jen Elflein
Sgt. Arms - Rich Catapano
Sgt. Arms - Charles Abbene
HQ West Trustee - Dario Perito
HQ East Trustee - Daniel Parella
3rd Pct Delegate - Michael Abriola